I'm Silvia Ferraris

Italian-Burkinabe artist
I look for bridges, connections, encounters in my life and in my art. I believe in the therapeutic value of art, in its alchemy, and in its being an instrument of understanding and profound transformation of the nature of man and things.
My experiences, attitudes and interests intertwine and mix in an artistic miscegenation. Originally a visual artist, I discovered dance and its transformative power very recently.
I love exploring the possibilities of interconnection between movement and matter, the invisible sign in space and the visible one on the canvas.
First of all there is the body: the action is generated inside it and then creates shapes on the canvas. For me, painting is the inseparable extension of movement.
The process is defined alchemically at the origin of the intention that moves a limb, an individual, the world. There are two phases: the first where the instinctive matter emerges almost by itself through gestures and dance; the second, however, is more observational and evocative of reflections and free associations. Shapes, lines, paths emerging from the research on the gesture compose an organic whole in an effort to give unity.
It is the story of a dialogue that takes place between me and the canvas in front of me. It is a 'physical' painting, linked to the body and to sensations: my tools, my fingers, the medium, the acrylic tubes.
Passionate for years by the magic of art, which allows emotions to find their own place, discover and discover themselves in this process that passes through beauty, I have long been involved in the social world, here too, out of passion. First in Turin (Italy) with unaccompanied foreign minors, then in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) with street children, together with them I look for viable ways to reimagine a possible future. Art therapy, training gained in Italy over the years, is my main road and the main tool.
I have participated in collective and personal exhibitions in Burkina Faso and in Italy; I love creating shows and performances that highlight all the movement (of the body and of one's inner world) that exists behind and together with the visual artwork.